AtlasNXT: 3D Precision Communications
Right person. Right place. Right time. Every Time.
AtlasNXT is the SaaS solution which empowers organisations to regain control of corporate communications, intelligently filtering critical information based on people, place and time.
Two user types
Web Operators
Operators have oversight of the global risks to people and operations across your organisation’s geographical footprint. Operators can centrally manage communications, critical events, business disruption, and the sharing of interactive documentation and resources, through a browser-based web platform, which enables business continuity, duty of care and compliance.
Smartphone App Users
App users might include your employees, customers, partners or visitors – anyone who needs to be quickly informed of critical information relevant to their location. App users feel connected to your organisation anywhere, through a powerful and universal communications toolkit, which provides a safe pair of hands.
Fulfil your duty of care to your employees with Overwatch. Overwatch is a live active tracking session which is only ever activated by app users. Employees can activate an Overwatch session whenever they feel vulnerable or threatened and even raise a panic alarm. Response services delivered by a 24hr GSOC (Global Security Operations Centre).
Curated Data Feeds
Mitigate business disruption and critical events which might impact your people and operations with curated live data feeds, tailored to your organisation’s risk profile. AtlasNXT supports a proactive approach to managing risk and business disruption, which will positively support operations and cost efficiency, and contribute to employee satisfaction and trust.
Critical Event Management
AtlasNXT enables your organisation to immediately understand the location and safety status of your people during a critical event. Two-way communication can be requested with affected users throughout the duration of a critical event, to maximise positive outcomes.
Broadcast Communications
Enterprise Messaging
Communicate with dispersed workforces easily and efficiently. Automatically enrol employees into relevant channels based on their proximity to offices and sites, facilitating localised conversations and a sense of community. Ensure employees receive relevant information at the time and place they need it.
Precision Document Sharing
Transform operational efficiency and productivity by decluttering the document storage landscape. Boost compliance obligations and enhance network engagement by sharing interactive documentation which communicates critical information and encourages collaboration. Filter the distribution of documentation based on people, place and time.
Enabling communications, business continuity, duty of care and compliance across your organisation
Enterprise Communications
Anticipate and mitigate risks to your employees and operations. Equip your people with relevant information, exactly when they need it to maintain business continuity.
Travel Risk Management & Itinerary Management
Safeguard and communicate with your people in any location. Identify which employees are within the vicinity of a threat and immediately confirm their safety status. Share interactive documentation, such as boarding passes, hotel check-in information or care packages to enable the smooth-running of international travel.
Dispersed Workforces
Fulfil your duty of care obligations to employees across locations and adhere to industry best practices. Enable employees to activate an Overwatch session and raise a panic alarm if they feel vulnerable or threatened.
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