Five factors to consider for an effective business continuity plan

Five factors to consider for an effective business continuity plan

🕒 3 min read By Maya Kluckow, Marketing Assistant at Track24/AtlasNXT Business continuity is defined as an organisation’s level of preparedness to maintain operations after an emergency or disruption. In order to ensure critical events do not have a negative impact on...
World Health Day 2023: Health for All

World Health Day 2023: Health for All

🕒 2 min read By Emily Byrne, Marketing Manager at Track24/AtlasNXT At Track24 and AtlasNXT, we are celebrating World Health Day, and this year’s theme of Health for All, as the World Health Organisation celebrates its 75th Birthday. We celebrate diversity and...
Critical Event Management in the modern era

Critical Event Management in the modern era

🕒 7 min read By Emily Byrne, Marketing Manager at AtlasNXT  As featured in Security Journal UK’s February Special Report  In the modern era, organisations are commonly taking a proactive approach to critical event management, as AtlasNXT’s below guide...
Effective Internal Communications in Modern Business Environments

Effective Internal Communications in Modern Business Environments

🕒 2 min read By Emily Byrne, Marketing Manager at Track24/AtlasNXT Post-pandemic, organisations are taking a more holistic, nuanced approach to their understanding and management of internal communications. Effective internal communications will enhance operational...
Effective risk management: Five steps to success

Effective risk management: Five steps to success

🕒 2 min read By Emily Byrne, Marketing Manager at Track24/AtlasNXT Effective risk management is often about thinking ahead and anticipating what future risks might be, proactively rather than reactively, to lessen the impact of risk when it does occur. When it comes...