🕒 2 min read
By Emily Byrne, Marketing Manager at Track24/AtlasNXT
At Track24 and AtlasNXT, we are celebrating World Health Day, and this year’s theme of Health for All, as the World Health Organisation celebrates its 75th Birthday. We celebrate diversity and inclusion at Track24 and AtlasNXT, and have been working hard this year to deliver initiatives which will support our employees’ physical and mental health and wellbeing. We’ll be celebrating World Health Day on Thursday 6th April, as Friday 7th April is a UK Bank Holiday, Good Friday.
Track24 and AtlasNXT are proud to support a range of clients who provide healthcare to those who need it most, in hostile environments across the globe. One of our clients kindly provided us with this testimonial, detailing how our technologies support the vital work they partake in:
“As a healthcare company that operates in some of the most challenging environments and locations, ensuring the safety of our staff is of utmost importance to us. We need a reliable tracking source that can help us maintain due diligence and ensure the well-being of our employees. Track24 has been an essential partner for us for over four years, providing us with the necessary tools to track our staff movements and prepare for any potential issues that may arise.”
This year’s World Health Day, highlights Health for All in “looking back at public health successes that have improved quality of life during the last seven decades.” Source. World Health Day this year “is also an opportunity to motivate action to tackle the health challenges of today ̶ and tomorrow.” Source.
At Track24 and AtlasNXT, we have been focussing on looking after the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our employees. In March, we celebrated Neurodiversity Awareness Week, using the day to spread awareness and education within our company, spreading the message: ‘All brains are celebrated here!’ Appreciating all ways of thinking is precisely what makes our team special and diverse.
Furthermore, we celebrated International Women’s Day at the beginning of March. We wanted all of our female employees to feel appreciated and empowered. We’re all about promoting equality at Track24 and AtlasNXT, so this year’s IWD theme of #embraceequity was a hugely empowering topic for us all. On the morning of 8th March, we were lucky enough to share an interactive session with Julie Barber, CEO of Spark! Consulting Ltd, who gave us some top tips on achieving success as a woman in business, particularly in the tech industry, and answered all of our burning questions. Thank you so much for your pearls of wisdom, Julie. It’s safe to say we all felt ready to take on the world after our workshop with you!
To help improve our staff’s physical health and empower and motivate them to keep exercising and looking after themselves, we have teamed up with Virgin Pulse, to deliver our Virgin GO! Challenge to staff. Each member of our staff received a Max Buzz device, which they could use to record the number of steps they were taking on a daily basis, with an aim of reaching at least 7,000 steps a day. Staff sorted themselves into teams and competed as part of the VP GO! Challenge, from January through to the end of March. Our teams’ number of steps were recorded and they could see which countries, across the world they had walked the distance to. A huge shout out to Aldrin Casillan, who achieved the highest number of steps, out of all of our competitors! Well done, Aldrin, and to ‘The A Team’ in Dubai, for winning the challenge!
We hope everyone takes some time out to celebrate World Health Day this year, and also takes the time to look after their physical and mental health, inside and outside of the workplace.
Find out more about World Health Day, 2023 here: https://www.who.int/campaigns/75-years-of-improving-public-health
#HealthForAll #WHO75